Friday, 24 June 2011

Thou come, the plush elephant

The most unexpected experience I had.... which means, never trust Oh-it-was-s-good-you-should-come exclamations...
Because it should have been Aida. And it was Aida, actually, but it was a madhouse Aida.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Sweet tortue

My Belgic employers took me to the restaurant. As tortue it was at the beginning as wonderful it was near the end of the party.
The most important conclusin: etiquette books are of no help!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

A Good-Bye Letter

"To leave behind everyone and simply go to Belgium..." that how was discribed my latest action.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Do you take Beast...?

Just finished watching "Beastly (off-top: fighting with sudden numerous shut-offs of my new laptop)
Old fairytale in the new scenery, such an inspiring picture and thrilling make-up!
I mostly drooled on Beast's tattoos (eyebrows rule) and Kendra's costumes and smoky eyes, 10 points to artists.

The story, on the other side, is the most favorite of my mindologues: